Your advantages with Robert Hofmann GmbH Trust in our expertise.

Customized solutions for medical, aviation, automotive and consumer products: 
The diversity of our 3D printing factory

Aviation and 3D printing

Revolutionizing lightweight components and prototypes

Thanks to the efficiency of 3D printing, innovations are being implemented more quickly in the aviation industry. This technology not only improves the manufacturing process, but also reduces aircraft weight, optimizes fuel consumption and promotes technological progress and environmental responsibility.

3D printing in medicine

Customized solutions for innovations

Thanks to its exceptional flexibility, 3D printing in the medical industry enables customized adaptation to specific requirements. This efficiency accelerates the development and implementation of medical innovations.

3D printing in the automotive sector

Efficiency, flexibility and creativity in product development

Faster product development makes it possible to bring new vehicle concepts to market more quickly and drive innovation. 3D printing can be used to produce complex components that would be difficult to realize with conventional manufacturing methods. This opens up completely new possibilities for the design and performance of vehicles.

Consumer products and 3D printing

Flying high in the consumer goods industry

The flexibility of 3D printing opens up completely new avenues for the consumer goods industry. Prototypes can be created quickly and design changes can be made, facilitating the market launch of new products. 3D printing thus enables customized and customer-oriented product development that optimally meets the needs of consumers.

We offer you
Solutions for your needs

Find out more about the individual industries

Aviation & Aerospace
Medical & Healthcare
Mobility & Logistics
Consumer Lifestyle

In our 3D printing factory we rely on advanced processes and support our customers in implementing their individual requirements. Discover the limitless possibilities of 3D printing and revolutionize your product development with us.

Discover the world of Robert Hofmann GmbH

Find out more about our technologies

Metal 3D printing
Plastic 3D printing
Rapid prototyping
Injection molding process
Assembly assembly

In addition to 3D printing solutions, we also offer expertise in conventional machine manufacturing processes such as classic multi-component injection molding, internal pressure injection molding, Variotherm® and decorating in the injection molding machine. Regardless of your project needs, we are available to assist you with a wide range of manufacturing options. Trust in our versatility and expertise for tailor-made solutions.

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