Successful switch to 1-piece production with AM technology

Robert Hofmann GmbH has been supplying high-quality components made of steel (1.4404) for various industries for more than 15 years. One of our latest projects was a groundbreaking change: the successful realization of a 1-piece production with revolutionary AM technology.

This project was carried out in cooperation with our valued customer B/E Aerospace Systems GmbH and represents a significant milestone in our company's history.

Initial situation:
Our customer B/E Aerospace Systems GmbH placed high demands on the component, which was previously made up of five individual parts. In addition to the complex geometries and functions, the focus was particularly on safety, especially a burst pressure of 400 bar.

The challenge was not only to meet the high burst pressure requirements, but also to ensure efficient production in one piece. In addition, the application area of the component required testing at a burst pressure of 900 bar to ensure usability. This required an innovative approach and careful process development.

Solution approach: 
Our team of experts carried out a detailed process in parameter development to identify the optimal combination of material, technology and manufacturing process. By using our state-of-the-art KonzeptLaser M2 Dual machine, we were able to ensure precise and reliable production.

The results were impressive: not only were we able to meet the customer's high requirements, we were even able to exceed them. Our components were successfully tested at a burst pressure of 900 bar, which confirmed their suitability for use under extreme conditions. In addition, we achieved a significant increase in efficiency by switching to 1-piece production, which led to a considerable simplification of the supply chain and an improved overall performance of the component.

This project underlines not only our technological expertise and innovation, but also our commitment to the highest quality standards and customer satisfaction. We are proud to be part of this pioneering project and look forward to continuing to develop innovative solutions for our customers in the future.

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